Educational Enrichment at KDA

At KDA, we are aware that academics alone won’t prepare our students for college, career, and life. We need to ensure that students have equal opportunity and access to a wide range of opportunities to develop and nurture their interests and talents.  

We are proud to offer:

  • Garden & Outdoor Learning

    KDA has a full-functioning community garden as well as newly added Discovery and Pollinator gardens on site. All students TK-5th grade wok with our garden educator to learn about their environment, stewardship and nutrition by engaging their natural curiosity and wonder.

  • Physical Education (P.E.)

    The skills, knowledge, and behaviors learned in PE help kids to establish and maintain active lifestyles well into adulthood. Each week, KDA students learn new skills with Coach V. P.E. also provides our students opportunities to identify and manage their emotions through movement.

  • Music

    Music positively impacts a child’s brain development which can support academic performance, social skills, language acquisition, and memory. Music education also provides an outlet for creativity. Destiny Arts provides lessons to support students with all aspects of musical ability - including beat, rhythm, notes, pitch, instruments, dancing, and more!


    Through STREAM, students have the opportunity to explore concepts in science, technology, engineering, art, and math! Classes have the opportunity to regularly engage in innovative projects such as stop-motion videos, robotics, math games, clay animation, and more. This allows students to explore their curiosities and amplify their voice to enhance learning and creativity.

  • Library

    Our library serves as both a school library as well as a community library. Our students have the opportunity to visit Ms. Alex in the library with their classroom teacher once per week for stories and activities. Families are also invited to bring the love of reading home by visiting and checking out books before or after school hours.

  • Playworks & Junior Coaches

    Playtime is kids’ time. But we realize that creating play environments that help students be their best is important. Studies show that recess matters and improves children’s physical health and wellbeing. KDA partners with Playworks to take a thoughtful approach to recess, teach new games, and develop healthy habits on the playground.

  • Art

    At KDA, we know art opens doors to creativity, critical thinking and innovation. All students TK-5th grade learn with our art teacher as well as through arts integration in other subject areas such as science, language arts, mathematics, and social studies.

  • Technology

    KDA offers one-to-one technology for all of our students. All classrooms are equipped with updated Chromebook carts to foster the skills needed in today’s world. At KDA, we have a blended learning model where we mix academic software programs (iReady, NewsELA, KaiXR, etc.) with traditional classroom instruction to better reach all children.

  • Experiential Learning

    Our students have the opportunity to learn through a variety of new experiences and projects. These can include: field trips, virtual reality, walking field trips, class visits from community members, assemblies, virtual meetings with scientists and experts, etc. These experience culminate in deeper learning through student-driven projects.